I read this prompt and thought, huh? How did I cultivate a sense of wonder? More like did I cultivate a sense of wonder? I didn't stare up at majestic mountains and wonder at their beauty like the great artists. I did not marvel at the twinkling stars in the universe. A sense of wonder, really?
I, once again, am selling myself short.
I did wonder. I wondered what it would be like to learn how to make my pictures look their greatest, so I took a photoshop class. I wondered what it would feel like to have a picture of every single day of my life in 2010 to look back on, so I took on Project Life. I wondered if I could learn to draw in Illustrator, so I signed up for an online class and practiced like crazy. I wondered about my family history, so I peppered my family with questions and searched for answers. I wondered about a lot of things this year, and I wasn't afraid to try things out and seek an answer.
And it was wonderful.
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