I don't think that my perspective has been changed by just a single friend this year; I have learned lessons from all of them. The most poignant perspective change has been learning to have a little bit more faith. This year especially I feel like I was surrounded by friends who weren't always in the seemingly greatest circumstances, financially or otherwise. The common denominator amongst these friends was the faith they had that God is bigger than their circumstances and a trust that He will pull them through the other side.
I've always been a thinker and planner (over-planner?). I like to have all my ducks in a row before I make a decision of consequence and I like to have control of the situation. One thing that Daryll and I have been talking about a lot lately is just having a little bit more faith that everything is going to work out okay. In large part this is because of our friends who have displayed that level of faith to us.
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