There are a lot of things that I have really learned to appreciate this year: good health, the lessons of budgeting, a husband who loves me, the joy of spontaneity... to name a few. But one thing that really stands out:
I have really come to appreciate the friendship I have with my sister Amy.
At just 19 months apart, I can't remember a time when I didn't have a younger sister. When we were young Amy and I fought like cats and dogs, and our personalities were as different as our physical features. Throughout high school we had softball as our common denominator, but even then I can remember a specific incident my senior year where I broke a pre-game superstition and had Amy's wrath to pay. One of my favorite things to think about are the times when we have stood up for one another. It's one thing for me to say something about my sister, but it's totally another when someone else says something about my sister!
I am so thankful that as adults Amy and I have had a chance to get closer. We share many common interests now and a lifetime of secrets that only sisters can share. We still drive each other nuts from time to time, but it makes my day when I get a text like she sent me yesterday saying, "Sister I CAN'T WAIT for you to come in next week!"
I don't think I say it enough, but I am so thankful to have a sister and especially one as funny, unique, and beautiful as Amy Leigh. I love you Sister!
Hi Patricia,
Today your mom mentioned to me if I had read your blog lately...and I said, "no"....But when she asked me, she had a smile and a certain glow about her :) --- Now I know why....What you wrote was BEAUTIFUL!!! Not only is Amy lucky to have you as well...but there aren't many sisters out there who write something so beautiful about the other sister. Your mom is very lucky to have 2 - very good young ladies as her daughters!!! Take care!!
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