Twenty-Ten was a year full of social gatherings for us! How can I pick just one day when we had so many fun ones? (New Years, Geoff's Birthday, Max's 80's, Natasha's Bachelorette Party, KA craziness, shall I go on...) But if I had to pick just one gathering that was my absolute favorite this year, I'd go with our 2nd annual Superbowl Chili Cook-Off!
I love this event every year, but this year was especially successful and amazingly fun! We had friends from all different social circles join us at our house for the game and festivities! This year our house was literally overflowing with people and chili goodness! The chili contenders really stepped up their game from last year, making it difficult to choose a winner in each category. Outside games of corn hole were going at regular intervals. Inside, the chatter almost overpowered the sound of the superbowl commercials. It was thrilling! Since the Saints were in the game, we decided to get mardi gras beads in team colors so that everybody could declare their allegiance when the walked in the door. Just writing about this is making me so excited for next year already!
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