I am so upset with my normally trusty reality television shows. Where do I even start? I guess I'll tackle the big one and talk about how extremely upset I was at the finale of The Bachelor (me and the rest of the world from what I've read online). What a waste of my life watching that show and thinking that they finally got a decent guy to be the bachelor after so many seasons of scumbags. Oh ABC sucked me in and made me suck others into that crazy little show. And then they made us watch as Melissa had her little heart torn out and stomped on in a live taping. Yes, I feel bad for her, but I must say that I am more fired up about Jason being such a jerk. Amy and I talked about this online for the good majority of the day yesterday and it fueled my strength at our softball game last night. And last nights show with all the phony happiness and closure just made me think the whole thing was even more stupid. At least that season is over and I won't be wasting any more of my time being led on by a false hope.
Next onto American Idol. First off, I do not like the way that the top 12 are being picked this season. Definitely an advantage if you got air time during auditions and definitely more of a popularity contest to start out with. As if it wasn't bad enough enduring the past 3 weeks of 70% bad singers, tonight they announced who would be able to sing tomorrow night for the wild card spots and they picked singlehandedly THE most annoying contestant of this entire season (if not ever). I was so upset that they would put their audience through that again after America had clearly spoken that they did not want her on the show.
So BOOOOOOOO to all this reality tv ridiculousness (please see the angry picture above with my nice wrist bruise from softball last night). Now I must go and get back to my recording of the Celebrity Apprentice...
andrea said: (since Don really could care less)maybe now, she is gone for good from American Idol...what an exit though!! talk about a drama queen!! enough!!
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