Daryll and I had a wonderful and mostly relaxing weekend. After spending a few hours at work Saturday morning, Daryll came home and we set out for the St. Pugtrick's Day Party in Coronado. The only problem is that w misread the times and showed up at the end time instead of the start time! We were a bit bummed to have missed it, but decided to make the best of it and take the dogs to the beach instead. The dog beach there is a great stretch with a lot of space for the dogs to run around, so Ella and Lulu had plenty of opportunity to get all their energy out. They had a lot of fun running around and playing with the other dogs there (including another pug that rivaled Ella in the energy department). And Daryll and I were both excited to see that Lulu went in the water! But poor Ella is still terrified of the water and ran the opposite direction anytime it seemed like the water was encroaching. We finished off the evening with some glow-in-the-dark ultimate frisbee with some friends (and we have the bug bites today to prove it).
This morning Daryll made us some pancakes and then we decided that since it was such a beautiful day we should take a hike. So we took the dogs with us and set out for the canyons behind our house. Once we got into the canyon we let the dogs loose and they had a great time running ahead of us and checking out the landscape. They were so cute though because they never got too far ahead of us before they'd turn around and run back to check on us. It was really nice to get out there and nice to know that we have a good trail practically right in our backyard. This afternoon we spent some time reading on the back porch (where I got a bit sunburned, but at least that means there is sun!). Just the relaxing type of weekend that we needed!
I bet your puppies are sleeping well tonight!
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