Monday, March 23, 2009

Informational Interviews- Not So Intimidating After All

Today I had the opportunity to meet with a wonderful woman named Shelby Williams for an informational interview. She works as a corporate event planner for a Destination Management Company down here in San Diego. We met for lunch and she talked passionately and positively about her career for over an hour, answering all of my questions and giving me advice when appropriate. She was delightful and super helpful and I was very pleased to have met her. We discovered that we both majored in Poli Sci at UCSD and actually had quite a few common connections, including a friend who was a roommate to both of us a different points in college.

I have recently been meeting with a career counselor at UCSD and also a career meetup group and both parties have been strongly advising me to conduct informational interviews in my career research. I have always been pretty hesitant about the prospect of informational interviewing anybody, with reservations about bugging people, contacting them out of the view, seeming like I'm begging for a job, etc... BUT, I must say that today's meetup was nothing like any of those negative things I had imagined it would be. Instead, it was extremely informational and fun. So the lesson here is that I should just be brave and do all of the things on my to scared to do list, because really, what do I have to lose?


lindsay nash schuil said...

so glad that it went well, Trish!