One of the major things that this job hunt has taught me is that if you don't take breaks from it, it'll drive you crazy. Now, I know that this concept might not seem too deep for some of you, but let me explain. When you're searching for a job the hunt pervades your life in every way. It's all you can think about, even when you're not directly thinking about it. Not only that, it makes you feel guilty. You could sit at your desk all day applying for jobs, calling your contacts, seeking out new avenues to find employment, yet still at the end of the day it's there...that nagging feeling in the back of your head that you're not quite sure what it is and then BAM! It hits you. You still haven't found a job. And shouldn't you be looking for a job right now. And no, it doesn't matter that it's 11 at night. No sleep for you until you've found a job!
Phew, thinking about it is exhausting. Which is why I'm grateful that camp is starting up again soon. I was hoping that I would be able to move onto a new profession this year, but the down economy had other ideas and I'm just really thankful to have had the standing offer to come back to camp on the table. Knowing that camp is just around the corner has helped lower the stress of the job hunt as well. Now when I call people for information I can honestly say that I'm just looking for information to weigh my options for the future. (There was truth in that statement before, but also the weight of needing to find a job immediately.) And I'm glad to know that I'll have several months before camp is over to search high and low for the perfect job for me.
But, in the meantime, I intend to start making a little bit more time to do the things that I enjoy doing. And one of those things is crafting. I lovvvve crafting in any way shape or form, but I am especially fond of scrapbooking (paper AND digital now thanks to my newfound wealth of photoshop knowledge), sewing, and generally making things more beautiful. So this week I have been doing a little bit more of that. I created a Happy Easter sign for our front door out of wooden "eggs," paper, ribbons, and mod podge. I have so far this week created 3 scrapbook pages. And I have an art piece in the works made of twigs and paper flowers with buttons in the center. Okay, and relax...Yes, I do feel better now...ahhh...
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