....Just look at this picture of Lulu! Tonight, I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and I heard Ella getting into the recycling box. I thought I caught her in time before she took anything out though, so I continued my cooking. A few minutes later I left the kitchen only to find that Lulu had gotten the lid off of an oatmeal container and effectively gotten her head stuck inside of it. She looked so defeated sitting there with her head back against the wall. So of course I whipped out my camera to take a picture. Ella was so confused by her sister's appearance that she started barking at her like she was a new toy. But quickly after I got the picture I removed the container from Lulu's head. The poor girl, the thing was really suctioned on there! Maybe she learned a lesson about stealing my recycling today though. Doubtful, but maybe...
What a hoot!
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