Today I was beginning to doubt whether or not I'd actually be able to keep up with my picture a day. I know that we're only 5 days into 2009, but today was the first day back to normal, everyday life and (let's face it) there's not always something exciting or picture-worthy going on. However, it seems that the puppies read my mind and gave me a blog-worthy story and picture for the day. When I left the house for lunch the puppies were sound asleep, so I thought I'd leave them out of the kitchen. I put away everything that I thought they could get into and then walked out. When I returned the house was in the order th

at I left it in except for one small change. Our
BRAND NEW Guitar Hero game disc was in the middle of the floor. With teeth marks in it. Yes, somehow, someway the puppies had ejected the game disc from the Wii console and chewed it up just enough so that it no longer works. I guess they were just jealous of the time that we were spending on Guitar Hero that we should have been spending on them. (Silly humans...) Anyways, it is quite unfortunate, but all you can really do is laugh at it. Who would have ever expected our dogs to be
that smart? Thus today, January 5th, 2005, is the day the music died. (At
least until the new copy we ordered off of amazon
arrives :-)
What a hoot! Pretty dang smart dogs you have there!
I just finished looking at your wedding pictures at Facebook. Congratulations, Newlywed!! Your husband is quite the handsome dude. I'm very happy for you, Trisha!
My blogsite is http://thefloydster.blogspot.com
Come on over and visit!
Anne Floyd
Poor guitar hero game. Reminds me of the time Ella was getting her gnaw on with my bluetooth headset. I miss that dog and its daily dose of fun!
greg's comment is very funny to me. sorry about your loss.
but ya know, those are some pretty smart pugs. 'nature always finds a way'...
umm, i wasn't supposed to comment as 'mr dorman'... i am signed up updating my class website so i guess it automatically does that... :-( my regular google account is brandon.dorman! and my blog is at http://brandonmath.blogspot.com i believe. i'm gonna go post a new one.
Since I'm new to your new family, how about a post introducing everybody?
The pups were just trying to practice while you were gone.
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