On Christmas Eve, Dad and Melanie surprised Daryll and I with a large box. Inside was a gift that Daryll had been dying for and I had been dreading: Rock Band. Of course Daryll was delighted about the gift but he quickly noticed a problem...it was Rock Band for Playstation 2, but we only had the Wii. We decided that we would try to exchange it, but after calling every Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and Walmart within a 50 mile radius we weren't sure it would be as easy as we expected. Daryll spent the last week eager with anticipation for the new arrivals, all the while with a new idea churning in his mind. Guitar Hero World Tour was just like Rock Band...guitar, vocals, drums (and cymbals too!). And of course when Daryll saw that G.H. was in stores and available TODAY, the decision was already made. Thus, the peaceful household we once had has subsided to the loud and obtrusive Guitar Hero. And I hate to admit it, but I actually like it. A lot. I'm not sure that the neighbors would say the same though..... :-)
you rockers!! how fun....do the dogs join in too? you all look great..
Rock on!...
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