The ball was a shot hit down the left field line and I jumped on my horse to get down the line. As I was rounding third base and heading home there was only one thing I was thinking...."I really need to start working out again!" Of course, even when I am working out all the time sprints still tend to do me in. But really think I should get back in the gym. The problem is a lack of motivation. I need a work out buddy. That, or a really, really good incentive for working out consistently. Fitting in my wedding dress (or actually Aunt Betty's for the rehearsal luncheon) was pretty good motivation a few months ago, but we are past that now. And honestly I pretty much stay the same size whether I'm working out hard or hardly working out. Somebody at church on Sunday actually told me the other day that I looked thinner than the last time they'd seen me. I can attest that this is not true. However, I am happier when I'm working out, so I hope that somebody forces me into the gym soon. Otherwise at least there's always softball!
So - were you safe at home?
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