Ikes! I'm dropping behind here. It's ok, I'm still not over a week late so I'm good to go. Wednesday night I had a fun night out with a bunch of my old co-workers from Knock Around Camp. I always have such a great time with that crazy group. It's especially a treat when we see each other outside of summer. It's so easy to lose contact even with people I worked with only 5 months ago, but it's great to see that the bond still survives.
Thursday was the first day that I just forgot to take a picture. Boo to that, but nothing too exciting happened anyways. This last week I put in a serious 42nd wind in the job search and applied for A LOT of jobs. It's so tedious job hunting and really disheartening too when you hear all the bad news about the economy, etc. I'm trying to filter out the bad stuff though and only concentrate on getting myself pumped up again on job hunting. I'll keep you posted though if anything happens (you may be waiting for a while though...)
Friday evening Scotty came into town for his annual visit. We picked him up from the train station and attempted to hit up Phil's BBQ, but the line was all the way around the building so we went to In-N-Out instead. (Don't you worry though, we still got some Phil's for dinner tonight.) Then last night we watched Step Brothers, which I really didn't like all that much, to my dismay considering the amount of hype behind it.
Today Daryll and Scotty went to play some baseball while I stayed home and finished up a calendar project that I'd been working on. It was a good week for scrapbooking and I was able to add a few completed pages to the books, as well as the completed calendar project now. I never tire of that feeling of accomplishment that I get when I finish something and it looks beautiful. In the afternoon, we headed down to Mission Bay to meet up with Daryll's co-worker Ryan and his fiance Rebecca. We were happy to discover that they're using our photographer for their July wedding! This evening we played some Wii, ate Phil's, and baked some chocolate chip cookies. Overall, a good week/weekend. Next week I may not be able to write because I will be on vacation with my mom in San Luis Obispo. But be assured that I will take at least 1 picture a day and I will be sure to write about it later.
p.s. Tomorrow is our 1st Annual Superbowl Chili Cook-Off and we are super excited about it. I made my chili tonight so that the flavors really have time to develop. One sad thing though is that I touched my eyes with jalapeno hands! They haven't stopped burning yet!