We rang in the New Year with friends last night with a low-key game night at our house. Jeff, Lindsay, Jared, Alice, and Colin joined us for dessert and games in the hours leading up to midnight. I couldn't think of any way that I'd rather finish 2009 and start 2010 than that!

Today Daryll and I started the dreaded task of putting away our Christmas decorations. With everything removed from the staircase, walls, and doors our house looks so bare that one might believe we were packed up to move! But I secretly enjoy this brief moment in between holidays when we're just surrounded by "white" space. But don't get me wrong, valentines and superbowl decorations will find their way into my decor in due time.

Now in the spirit of New Years, here are my resolutions:
1. To take a picture every day in 2010 (to my faithful blog readers this resolution may sound strangely familiar...I admit it, I made the same one last year. And failed at it! But this year for Christmas Daryll bought me a "Project Life" kit that feeds right into my picture a day concept, so I'm feeling extra motivated!) P.S. You can follow my project life journey on flickr by clicking here.
2. To take classes on both Photoshop and Illustrator (yes, this is also similar to last year's resolution, but I will say that I did succeed in learning a lot about photoshop on my own in 2009, but I feel like it's time to take it up a notch in 2010).
3. To make new friends in San Diego!
Also, as an aside note about setting and achieving goals, I am proud to say that I successfully completed my 90 day challenge and never once cooked the same meal twice in that time frame! Woo hoo for me!! Daryll was happy to try all the new food combinations (and now he's happy that I can cook some of our favorites again!).
I hope that you all have a happy and healthy 2010! What are some of your goals/resolutions for the new year?
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