This battle that I speak of is the battle to keep my dogs in the kitchen (and out of the rest of the house) during the day. As I mentioned before I have tried many tactics to defeat my, my pups. Just a few days ago I developed my newest battle defense, an impenetrable fortress consisting of a flat board backed by a gate, locked in by 2 sturdy chairs for extra measure.

Surely, my dogs wouldn't be able to break through this elaborate defense system! But, no. I was wrong. Apparently my dogs are smarter than me. And vengeful. Thus, the battle must rage on until I am victorious!! (Or until I say fuhgettaboutit and just let my dogs sleep on the couch all day.)

A quick update for those of you following my Project Life progress: I have decided to post my pictures to Picasa instead of Flickr (limited photo storage...not my style). You can follow me on Picasa here.
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