Saturday, Daryll and I headed up to O.C. to visit our friends up there. Daryll and Jeff went to see Star Trek (Daryll was most grateful to have someone to see it with, and I was most grateful that I was not that someone). Lindsay, Jared, Mike & Kim Schommer and I hung around Lindsays house and played some games. We stayed with the Schuils that evening and they were kind enough to make us a wonderful breakfast Sunday morning before we headed up to L.A.

Sunday we were on hand as Daryll's grandfather received an alumni award from Chadwick. We enjoyed getting to visit with everybody and hearing Bob speak at the function. Sunday afternoon we took the dogs down to the beach to wear them out and then it was time for the season finale of Despearate Housewives. (Which btw was a good finale and not as traumatizing as Greys.)

Off to a good and busy week so far and looking forward to Houseboating this weekend!
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