Saturday morning after Daryll got back from work we got to take the pups to their first "pug meetup" at the Coronado Dog Beach. They had a great time socializing with the other pugs, chasing balls (Ella), and frolicking in the waves (Lulu). They were so cute sticking by each other's side almost the entire time we were there. Later that afternoon we met up with my friend Mike to watch the Red Bull Air Races down at Sea Port Village. I'd never been to see the races and overall I'd say that they were just alright. It made me nervous to watch the planes flying so close to the water, but it is pretty impressive to see the turns they can make on a dime.

This morning we met up with my Mom in Oceanside at our favorite little Oceanside restaurant, Beach Break Cafe (actually, the only little restaurant that I happen to know in Oceanside). We all had a delicious breakfast and were reminded why it's worth the drive to eat there. Daryll and I brought Lulu with us too and she behaved wonderfully, wagging her tail at other customers and chomping on her bone through our whole meal. (We couldn't bring Ella because of her tendency to freak out and start making the most awful barking/tortured sound in "stressful" situations.) After breakfast, we came back to the house to visit and then Mom, Amy, and I went and got a much deserved and long-awaited pedicure. It was a nice (although too short in my opinion) visit.

Now, just a few words about my Mom on Mother's Day. I happen to think that my Mom is an amazing person (yes, I know I might be a bit biased, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's amazing). I have learned many valuable lessons from my mom about having self-respect, and courage, and an ability to continue persevering no matter what life throws at me. My mom is one of the toughest people I know and also one of the most driven. For Mother's Day this year I signed her up for a half marathon and I am so confident that she is not only going to finish it, but do it with bravado. I am a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful Mom. (And to have gotten her good looks as part of the package :-) I love you Mom!
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