My past week can be summarized in 2 words: Under Construction! The HOA gardeners came a few days ago to dig up our front lawn so that we can have a plumber come out to assess and fix the leaky pipe in the middle of the yard. So now we have a huge mud puddle in the front yard and we're "that house" in the neighborhood.
Yesterday we had someone come over to pick up some things that we had posted on craigslist and as they were leaving the dogs escaped out the front door. Next thing we knew we heard a big splash and Lulu came slinking back completely drenched in dirty muddy water. Our poor sweet girl.
Daryll and I both spent a few hours yesterday working on separate projects around the house. I was spray painting free-standing shelves for the kitchen a bright red color in the garage. Daryll was working in the backyard cutting down a huge bush that had fallen over during the last storm. Both projects were time consuming and messy, but we were glad to have time to work on them. Today Daryll was trying to finish up the shelving unit by using a glass cutting tool to cut the shelves, but as we learned it takes a lot of practice if you don't want to end up with shattered glass all over. So as for now, we have a red shelving unit with no shelves. Ah well, live and learn.
he looks like me in that picture...
and good job on the house stuff! sounds kinda like fun. Meagan and I went camping with a bunch of kids (and i just wrote a really long post on my blog about it because I'm too lazy to do math work while waiting for my laundry to be done...) see you guys in May if not before!
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