I cannot believe the crazy weather! Today the weather was so windy and rainy that something fell on my car windshield in my driveway hard enough to actually put a small crack in it. I can't believe it! The dogs were not very happy about the weather today either. You'd think I'm torturing them to make them get their paws a little wet. I spent the day sewing up a couple of aprons. I thought that I might try to put a few up on etsy and see if they sell. We'll see. I'd like to have a few more completed before I put them up there and I need to think of a creative shop name for my etsy account. (For those who are not familiar with etsy.com, you should get acquainted. It is a fantastic website featuring thousands of "shops" selling everything handmade. I'm pretty much obsessed with it. And it's a great way to kill some internet time :-) Alright, that's all for now!
Your dogs are just like mine - he h.a.t.e.s. the water! You'd think I was putting him through water torture to get him to even walk on the wet sidewalk. What a little wimp!!
I want an apron!
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