1. Participate in a flash mob
2. Take the bus to work one day
3. Eat fish tacos at South Beach
4. Try to stand up paddleboard
5. Go to a rodeo
6. Spend a weekend out of state with some of my girlfriends
7. Redecorate my craft room
8. Take a woodworking class
9. Visit a museum in Balboa Park
10. Try out for a reality tv/ game show
11. Cook at least 1 recipe from every cookbook I own
12. Throw a jewelry-making party
13. Scan all my old pictures
14. Go to the Bahamas
15. Go to a ballgame at every California stadium
16. Find an organization I'm passionate about to volunteer with regularly
17. Do something that scares me
18. Try a new restaurant during San Diego Restaurant Week
19. Shop at a farmers market
20. Spend an entire afternoon at the beach reading
21. Grow my etsy business
22. Go river rafting with a group of friends
23. Get a group together to go beach camping up the highway
24. Paint my living room
25. Surprise someone with a small delight
26. Start a new tradition
That's it! How many do you think I'll make it through this year? And which ones do you want to do with me? (Flash mob or river rafting anyone? :-)
Lock me in for #14 and #15 for sure!!
What's a flash mob?
I was wondering if I was ever going to see this list! Count me in for #s 1, 3, 5 and maybe 22. :)Great list, can't wait to hear about your progress checking them off!
So I am down for #1, #22, and for sure supporting #10! :)
P.S. this is Meagan but I am sure that Brandon would love to do these things too, especially if the flash mob includes dancing and singing! LOL ;)
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