vision.” -Shane Claiborne
Reading a great book right now by Shane Claiborne and John M. Perkins called Follow Me to Freedom.
John M. Perkins is a civil rights leader (inspired the Switchfoot song “This is the Sound”) and Shane
Claiborne founded The Simple Way. Right now in my life, the subject of leadership is really coming up
in a lot of areas. It’s funny, because I think I have been poised in many areas to take my leadership skills
to the next level, but only now am I beginning to take the reins if you will and grasp on to my higher
In marriage, I’ve been married for nearly two and a half years now, but really feel like nearly just now
have we really started to take a breath (despite that not being true on our actual schedules!) and build
our marriage to a higher level. We’ve taken a big step in purchasing a new car for Trish with more exciting things on the way!
At work, though I’ve been a “manager” for over 2 years, I think I’m in a spot now that gives me more
of a growth opportunity than just managing to every month. I also have a great new boss who is
encouraging, listens, and responds to email at the weird/late hours that I send them. This book speaks
to my general theory/motivation of leading as well, in that it’s easy to see the negatives in current
systems – the leaders should be the ones to step up and actually MAKE change in them. You can’t
change things overnight, but I think with the experience I have as a sales rep for three years, a manager
for two, it gives me a unique perspective to really see things from a fresh perspective.
At church, all of a sudden our church is over a year old! Our one-year celebration was such a great time
and so amazing to realize how many friendships I have made through City Bible. Though still a “new”
church, I also feel like it’s time for us to step up our game as well and grow. Leading a small group with
Ray has been a great experience, and great to be back in a spiritual leadership role for the first time
since college really and good old Campus Crusade! It’s exciting to be a part of a small church where my
voice and opinions can be heard.
I think the quote above can apply to really all three areas I’ve talked about here – and I think the vision I
have for each area is clearer than it’s ever been.
PS Also am the “commissioner” in a Yahoo Fantasy League for only the second time in the 50 leagues
I’ve been a part of in the past 7 years. Baseball season back in just over a month!
thanks for sharing Daryll... very motivating :)
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