After 4 months of building, procrastinating, reassembling, getting so frustrated that I almost took a sledge hammer to the whole project, cutting moulding, re-cutting moulding, painting, and distressing... the center portion of our media cabinet is finally complete! Woo Hoooo!!! Celebration time!

This truly was a great project for Daryll and I to work on together. It tested our patience at times (well, my patience, I won't throw Daryll under the bus here). And it definitely took me getting over my obsessive need for perfection in my projects (well, I wouldn't say I'm over that exactly). Nonetheless, I feel such a great sense of accomplishment and pride that we tackled such a huge project... our FIRST EVER woodworking project... and FINISHED it!!! And it looks beautiful, if I do say so myself! I can't wait to start on the bookcases for the outside of it!

Way to go! I hope you'll post more creative works-in-progress in the future. (Although it sounds like you'll need a good rest after this one.) Anyway, good job! Peace and continued good things for you.
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