Last week I had a fabulous time when my friend Megan visited and had my very own San Diego staycation! It was a crazy couple of days with only a few moments to spare, but we enjoyed every minute of it! Here are a few highlights:
On Thursday we spent the majority of the day at the zoo. We had a wonderful time walking around, watching the animals and chatting! That evening Megan accompanied me to my final sewing class of the quarter where most of the class finished up their handbags and Megan learned how to sew a tank top. Our night was capped off by an evening of karaoke. We had a fun time singing Dixie Chicks and Spice Girls, while Daryll had a good time singing Jump and I've Gotta Feeling.

On Friday, we set out from San Diego harbor on a whale watching expedition. Although the water was often choppy, we braved the elements and were rewarded with sighting of 3 whales!

On Saturday, I had to come back to reality for a few hours for Knock Around registration. But that afternoon, we ventured down to Goldfish Point Cafe in La Jolla where we watched the sea lions and sipped on chai lattes.

I can't wait until Megan comes back in September to live with us for 6 weeks!
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