Sunday, January 30, 2011

From the Mister Dorman...

Guest post from Daryll D:  

Well the month is already nearly over!  2011 is already 1/12th done.  I would say the first month of the year has been a pretty productive one for both Trish and me.
Our sermon series at church right now is called Forward: Making 2011 Count.  I really like the series so far and think Trish and I have done a pretty good job of making some application of the series to our lives.  This morning Paster Jeff talked about all of the distractions that can get in the way, and how true is that? (In Nehemiah of all places…)
One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to read the whole Bible in a year.  Never done it before in a formal way so thought this would be a good time to do it.  So far, so good!  Yet it has been an interesting example of things as well.  It’s so easy to get distracted by the smallest of things, even when your goal is a simple one.  Whether it be your sleepself telling your brain, “Just five more minutes…” or “I know your alarm went off…but you can hit dismiss and still get up…”, to leaving my Bible in the car, wanting to get into work early, promising myself I will read double tomorrow…the easy part is to come up with an excuse, the hard work is defeating those excuses.  As the month has gone by, it has gotten easier and excited for what February will bring, especially now that our fast is over and I can drink coffee again!  (Our whole church went on a fast at the beginning of the January…but I wasn’t quite ready to go all the way  so modified mine to be a “no coffee/no soda/no alcohol” fast – still challenging considering my usual beverage habits!!)  The key is knowing WHERE you want to go.  Because everyone will end up somewhere – so you have to make sure you end up where you WANT to end up.  The example in this case being to read the whole Bible in a year – but this is true in life as well.

I’m also very proud of my wife Trish.  Recently we made our biggest financial investment together – getting a new car!   

Money is always a tough issue for marriages – it was certainly probably our biggest struggle our first year- but I really feel proud of where we are and where we are going.  I think this car is a big step in that; symbolically showing our readiness and as well as now Trish gets to enjoy power windows and door locks, not to mention driving in style!  She goes off to Boston this week with her mom and sister.  Very excited for her but will also miss her!  I’ve even already bought some ingredients to make a meal beyond macaroni and cheese this week.
Thursday heading out with Greg for our own little Through Painted Deserts-style road trip.  Should be a fun time, then Super Bowl Sunday for our third annual Chili cook-off!

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Blog Design...

Just testing out the new blog header and signature... what do you think?

Gratitude- Weeks 2 and 3

Here are my week 2 and 3 submissions for my gratitude journal:

Monday, January 10, 2011


I'm starting a new weekly gratitude project. Here's my week 1 submission:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Some New Years Inspiration for You...

Quote of the Day:

"Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow."
― James Michener 
In other words, perhaps I should make it a priority to change my blog out of Christmas mode... ;-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Good Life

Happy 2011! I missed posting on 1.1.11, but I still got to write it on this post, and I have to say it's pretty satisfying! ;-) I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! I didn't quite finish the #Reverb 10 project with the busyness of the season in full gear, but I was really happy with the posts that I was able to do and hope you enjoyed reading them as well! Now onward to 2011...

I've been doing a lot of thinking about New Years Resolutions, like the past few years, and I have to say that I haven't come up with any yet. It's a little unfortunate because I had a 100% success rate with my 2010 resolutions...

As I moved into this year I've been considering Ali Edward's "One Little Word" project. I love the idea of focusing down into one manageable little word. Then today at church Pastor Jeff's entire message was about "One Thing"... seriously! So, my own one little word for 2011 is: GRACE! defines grace as:

- elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
- a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
- favor or good will.
- a manifestation of favor, esp. by a superior
- mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace.

- Theology:

    -the freely given, unmerited favor and love of god.

    -the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
    -virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces.
    -Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God's favor or one of the elect.
I feel so compelled to live my life graciously. I know that I'm rough around the edges sometimes and I also know that it it something that God has convicted me to work on in my life. So I shall work on living with more grace. And when I mess up, luckily I know that God has a lot of grace for me too! :-)

Another quote that caught my eye this week on the Reluctant Entertainer's blog is this:

"The good life – the one that truly satisfies – exists only when we stop wanting a better one.
It is the condition of savoring what is rather than longing for what might be."
-Chuck Swindoll, Wisdom for the Way

I would love to live my life that way. How amazing would it be to get to that point? The good life. I think I'm living it!