We ate Poblano and Cilantro Roasted Turkey (from A Southern Fairytale), corn casserole, brie mashed potatoes, Mom's famous green beans, rosemary rolls, butternut squash and cranberry gratin (first time I'd ever made or ate it!), stuffing, spinach with garlic chips (from Pioneer Woman), and winter sangria. Of course we also had a lot of homemade desserts: Mom's upside down pumpkin cake, pumpkin pie, and cranberry apple pie! We worked off the dinner by playing Wii Just Dance 2 and throwing around the football out front with the pups in hot pursuit! After my family left, we capped off the night with a viewing of It's a Wonderful Life, the official kick-off to the Christmas season!
On Friday, we had a quick visit with Daryll's grandparents and Great Aunt and Uncle at our house! Afterward, Andrea and I ventured off in search of Black Friday deals, but our adventure came to a quick end when we found out the wait at Kohl's was 2 hours! Yikes! Instead, we decided to get our Christmas tree and an early jump on the season! We picked out a beauty (but she's still waiting to get decorated...)