Another fabulous weekend down in the books for us. (Really, why must we work for 5 days a week and only have 2 days to rest, relax, and enjoy life. There is something sooo inherently wrong with this system... but that's another post altogether.) Friday Scotty came in to visit and brought with him yet another rainstorm (and today too! and I'm wearing flip flops!). We had a restful evening of In-N-Out, some tv, and cookies in preparation for the following 2 days festivities.

Saturday we rearranged the living room (which meant a lot of vacuuming, which you knooow I secretly love from a previous post) so that we'd be better able to accommodate the hordes of people we expected for the Superbowl party. In the afternoon I left for a sewing meetup and Daryll and Scott went downtown to the Yardhouse. I was able to nearly finish my pj pants for Thursday's class and also finish a tank top, which I wore that evening. Saturday night we headed up to Temecula to meet Crystal and Kira at Stampede. In college me and my roommates would make that trek more often than I care to admit to dance the night away. Although I think that things have changed around there recently (meaning that I can't predict down to the minute which song is coming up next), I still really enjoy myself when I have the chance to go up there! Not to mention that line dancing is just a really fantastic leg workout. ;-)

Sunday morning we woke up and ate Martino's cupcakes, which Crystal delightfully surprised me with the night before, and then headed out to church. After our spiritual nourishment we headed home to prepare for the Superbowl party! Crystal and Adam set up cornhole out front and I prepared some guacamole and heated up the chili.
The guests soon started pouring in, toting many a different kind of chili for our tasting pleasure. We had a packed house, but luckily plenty of bowls and spoons to go around and the tasters quickly got to work as the game kicked off. One thing became clear as we started tasting the many different variations of chili... people had definitely stepped up their game this year! The tasters clearly had a more difficult time choosing which chili should be named tastiest, most uniquely flavored, or spiciest. At halftime a bunch of people went outside to toss around the football and play cornhole, while others stayed inside to cast their ballot for the chili cookoff.

Although the majority of the crowd was cheering for the Colts, there were a few amongst us who were pulling for the Saints (including myself)! What a surprise it was when the Saints did an onside kick to start off the 2nd half! I've never seen such a thing myself and it immediately drew people back to the game.

Eventually the winners were announced:
Spiciest Chili- Crystal
Most Uniquely Flavored Chili- Frank and Kellie
Tastiest Chili- Michael Holl
Not to mention that the Saints were able to pull off the Superbowl victory, making at least a handful of our crowd exceptionally happy! Overall, I'd have to say that it was a very successful 2nd Annual Superbowl Chili Cook-off and I'm already looking forward to next year!