Well, I thought that I'd better get in a few words here before the chaotic part of my life starts up again. Yep, camp starts on Monday and I'm so excited about this summer. I'm going to be working predominantly with the older Leadership Campers this year, so it's keeping it fresh (yes, even after 4 years...). I have a ton of fun things planned for them and I'm excited to participate in the activities too! It's crazy to see that a bunch of the kids who were in Group 2 when I started at KA are now Leadership Campers! I'm getting old fast!
During the summer months I'm going to try to keep up on my blogging posts, but I'll also be blogging for
camp. You are more than welcome to follow there too, but we've disabled the comments section, so you can't leave any there. (FYI my camp name is Dot. This is the name that all the kiddies know me by and they can all tell you why they think my name is Dot...because I have "dots" all over.)
Daryll and I sat down this week to look at our summer calendar, and it appears that we're back to our old ways...meaning that we're booked until August! Our summer schedule looks a little bit like this:
June 13-14- My Dad is visiting for an early Father's Day (Wild Animal Park might be in store)
June 20-21- Daryll's friend Scotty is visiting (Angels v. Dodgers game and lots of friend visiting)
June 27-28- Surprise trip to Vegas for Uncle Rod's B-Day (don't worry, he doesn't read the blog)
July 3-5- 4th of July trip to Dad's house in AZ
July 11- Ryan and Rebecca's wedding in Sacramento
July 19- Greg and Jen's wedding
July 30-Aug 1- Refugio Trip
And that's just the weekends! Daryll and I had to create google calendars to keep up with our own schedules. It's busy and crazy, but we love it.
Other than that I'm trying not to worry too much about what's going to happen when September comes (yet again... welcome to the loop that is my life). It doesn't really do me any good to worry about it, so I'm just trying to remain optimistic that there's something out there for me and the God has it all under control (I wish that He'd fill me in on His plans sometimes though...).
I tried to think of something cool to do today on my last weekday of freedom for a while, but I couldn't think of anything. It's too cold and ugly out to go to the beach. Doesn't San Diego understand that I'm not supposed to be wearing long sleeve shirts in June? I don't pay good money to live in paradise for nothin! I demand a refund! :-)
I had to take the puppies to the vet this week because they were itchy all over. The vet said that they both have bad allergies and now he's making me give them steroid pills. I guess that soon we're going to have the buffest pugs on the block. They've been less itchy since they started though, so I guess they're working. I've been taking them on walks every night (sometimes Daryll too, when he's not too busy) and we've really been enjoying the extra hours of sunlight.
Alright, I'm off to find something to do to enjoy my dwindling hours of freedom...